FAQs about WCM
- When was WCM founded?
WCM was purchased in March, 2004 and renovated for use during the summer of 2004. It was officially opened for use in Ramadan of 2004 (October). (see history)
- Why was WCM founded?
Prior to the establishment of Winnipeg Central Mosque, Muslims living and working in downtown Winnipeg had limited options and space for attending Jumaa (Friday) prayer. Over the years, the number of worshippers in downtown Winnipeg has dramatically increased, and the need for a mosque or place of worship for Muslims became urgent. Winnipeg Central Mosque has been established to meet this need. (see history)
- Where is WCM?
WCM is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada at 715 Ellice Avenue (at Toronto St.) See map.
- Who runs WCM?
WCM is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization that runs on community donations. It is governed by a Board of Directors and managed by a Council of representative board members and community volunteers. The WCM Board also employs a part-time Building Manager and temporary employees during Ramadan and for special projects as needed. WCM does not have a full-time imam, however we do have several committed khateebs who volunteer to lead the Jumaa (Friday) prayers in rotation. (see People)
- When is WCM open?
WCM is open for all five daily prayers, for Jumaa (Friday) prayer and for scheduled events or classes (see Daily Prayers, Jumaa (Friday) Prayer and Event Calendar).
- Does WCM have a full-time imam?
Given the diversity of the mosque community, WCM does not employ a full-time imam in order to avoid the prominence of a specific cultural group or religious school of thought. However we do have several committed khateebs who represent the diversity of the community and who volunteer to lead the Jumaa (Friday) prayers in rotation. All the khateebs are qualified under the khateeb criteria developed by WCM. Should anyone have questions or concerns regarding religious or spiritual matters, please contact us and we will do our best to refer you to experienced individuals or organizations within the community.
- Why is there no barrier or physical partition between men and women at WCM?
In keeping with the tradition of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) first mosque, WCM does not have a physical partition between men and women. This arrangement more adequately promotes our organization's vision. We feel that an open concept facilitates a family atmosphere and is more conducive to welcoming visitors to the mosque. Often in segregated spaces, children do not have access to both parents, which can be very inconvenient. We also want to avoid scenarios where women feel excluded during educational lectures and are unable to ask questions and participate. For these reasons, we have chosen an open concept mosque. The prayer area is large and there are quiet corners and private nooks where people can comfortably pray, read, or chat with friends.
- Are there separate entrances / exits for men and women at WCM?
WCM has a front entrance and a back entrance, both of which are family entrances / exits. The design of our facility does not make separate entrances for men and women very feasible. We encourage everyone to regard the mosque as any other public facility and respect each other's space as much as possible during crowded events when entering and exiting the mosque.
- How can I book a public or private event at WCM?
To book the mosque for a public or private event, please see the Mosque Booking section where you will be required to fill out a brief form and review the guidelines for using the facility. Please note that we cannot guarantee "privacy" at "private" functions since the mosque is open for the five daily prayers and individuals may come in for worship or study.
- Do I have to pay to hold an event at WCM?
WCM does not assign a fixed sum for bookings, however we ask individuals and organizations for donations to contribute to mosque maintenance.
- How can I make an announcement after Friday Prayer at WCM?
To request an announcement after the Jumaa (Friday) prayer, please fill out the form in the "Announce an Event" section.
- Does WCM have a kitchen?
WCM has a kitchen area with two large sinks. The kitchen is NOT equipped for preparing, cooking or warming food. Food for events should be already prepared or catered. After events, ALL food MUST be removed from the mosque.
- Does WCM have a library?
WCM does not currently have a library, however, we intend to develop one inshaAllah. There are English and Arabic Qur'ans (Korans) available for reading inside the mosque.
- How can I get a copy of the Qur'an (Koran)?
If you require a Qur'an, please contact us and we will arrange to get one to you.
- Where can I park when attending WCM?
Parking is available in the lot adjacent to the mosque off Toronto Street and in the lot behind the mosque. The lot behind the mosque has some handicap spaces. Please DO NOT block the exit doors behind the mosque. Also, please DO NOT block other cars during busy events such as Jumaa (Friday) prayer. All parking violators may be towed by Tartan Towing. Also note that during Jumaa (Friday) prayer, the front of the mosque is designated a drop-off / pick-up zone only. Additional parking is available on the residential streets around the mosque. Given the limited parking spaces, and in order to promote environmentalism, we encourage people to carpool, walk and take public transport to the mosque when possible.
- My car was towed while it was parked in a WCM lot. Who towed it?
WCM has made arrangements with TARTAN TOWING to tow cars of parking violators. Cars may be towed if they are blocking other cars, blocking exit doors, parked for long periods of time, or committing any other parking violation.
- Are there any bus stops near WCM?
Yes. There is a bus stop on both sides of Ellice Avenue next to WCM:
BUS STOP 10523 Westbound Ellice at Toronto (bus 14)
BUS STOP 10522 Eastbound Ellice at Toronto (bus 14) - Can I advertise my business, organization or event at WCM?
The WCM community bulletin board and the WCM website are tools available to the community for advertising purposes. However, posters should not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches. The bulletin board is maintained at WCM's discretion and will be cleared up regularly. PLEASE DO NOT TAPE POSTERS ON THE DOORS AND WALLS AROUND THE MOSQUE. Not only does this create clutter, it damages the walls and leaves sticky tape residue on glass that is difficult to clean. Please do not hand out business flyers or pamphlets, as this creates mess. We encourage everyone who is benefiting from the mosque to donate generously, as WCM relies on community donations to survive.
- Does WCM offer classes to learn more about Islam or to learn the Arabic language?
In response to frequent requests, WCM offers brief introductory sessions on Islam. Anyone is welcome to sign up for an Islam 101 session. Sessions are only scheduled based on interest. In the meantime, please feel free to browse our FAQs on Islam and Muslims. Also see Mosque Visits. If you have any urgent inquiries, please contact us.Regarding Arabic language classes, WCM does not offer anything currently. If sufficient interest is demonstrated, we may consider organizing such a class. In the meantime, please contact us and we may be able to refer you to another organization, educational institution or individual based on your particular needs.
- How can I volunteer with WCM?
If you are interested in volunteering, please see the volunteer section and specify your particular area(s) of interest.
- How does WCM contribute to the West End Community?
Prior to the establishment of WCM in 2004, 715 Ellice had been an abandoned building for at least two years, causing crime levels to increase in the neighbourhood. Since its inception, WCM has received a lot of positive feedback from resident and business neighbours who say that the area has become safer and less crime-ridden. The facility offers a safe space for families to come together as a community. WCM has and will continue to open its doors to numerous individuals and groups who have expressed interest in visiting the mosque and connecting with the Muslim community. As a grassroots initiative, WCM hopes to foster a positive and open connection with the community at large.
- How can I arrange to visit WCM as an individual or as a group?
Everyone is welcome to the mosque. If you would like to visit WCM as an individual or as a group, please see the Mosque Visits section.
- How can I donate to WCM?
WCM relies on community donations to maintain the building and support the basic activities of the mosque. Your contributions are very much appreciated. Please note however that WCM, Inc. is currently not registered as a Charity and therefore we cannot supply tax receipts. If you would like to donate, please see the donate section.
- Where will my donations go?
All donations are put towards expenses involving building maintenance and improvements and WCM events (including WCM sponsored events such as summer picnics or Eid carnivals). Donations collected specifically for humanitarian causes (such as natural disasters) are forwarded through reputable charities towards those efforts in their entirety.